Like I previously told you I am smarter, than a computer. Today I even figured, that I am smarter than an app. See I was downloading youtube again, since I vex and uninstall it yesterday. But since my phone is out of battery, the downloading progress worked slower, than it usually does. That is why I actually went here instead and started to write this post. However, since I am easily bored and don’t wish to share my testimony, all the time. That ment that I went, to Google and logged in with my man email.
Then I searched for his tune, by typing his sexy name. After that I saw several of his tune dem, so I put on the Fully Dark album. That mean, that I actually love, every song. But the first one, I didnt hear in a long tyme. And I absolutely love it. That is why I got very happy. And. Since I am uplifted to that frequency, I started to laugh alot, as I was typing. But now I EleoNOR came back to earth, so I could finally tap I laughing. And put in the song, I was talking. 4 Way Flasha- Shokryme
I mean, this man, this man, is something really special. Listen to his voice. He can sing, in a way, that other artist have to record several times, using different voices. To sing like Shokryme, is singing. I swear he is my artist.
This is my favorit Iranian song still I love love this song. It’s beautiful. However I can’t understand a word they are singing, because I don’t know many words in Persian. That is a beautiful language and it’s spoken with alot of feelings. Further more I really love the male yutes from Iran. Because they are beautiful. I mean, they look better than men from Irak and the surrounding places… Salam, Bore biron, schadafes. I think is all I know, I just typed the pronounciation, don’t know the spelling.
I had an Iraniah crush, as a teenager and I would really like to go to Iran. Because that country deh, seemes to run in a proper way. Oh but this yute from Afghanistan told me how thebpetsians, tried to steal oil from Afghanistan. Then their people was occupying Iran in some hours.
Oh yea I forgot that I really would love to live in Afghanistan, because there they also have the right ruling. They have mountains, they have water, they have nature. And the men look after his wife. He takes care of everything, while she is at home, chilling. Now that structure of society seemes waay better that the Swedish. However if I visit their paradise, I’m afraid that I’m not coming back. Because the yutes are PRETTY. Etc
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