
It is like you don’t have eyes, to see with.

A jamaican yute looks, waay better than other children. They are extremely beautiful. Inside out. They look the best, they sound the best and would win your. Miss World contest, all year around. Like Usain Bolt did. If they would try.

Because in Jamaica, they are forced to starve many day. They have it ruff, because nobody never give dem ntn. That is a proven fact and I have studied history. Believe me.

Do you honestly think that the ’historia book’ you read in school. Teach you anything about the real History? Why do I have to repete myself every day? What is hard in thinking, for yourself?

You feel seh Albert Einstein, sat in school one day and somebody told him, how he was going to create a relativity theory?  What are you using to think with? Beng BENG beng.

I mean when I was younger, I remember being vexed, because there is no way in hell that I could learn anything useful there, in school. Yeah man, you could tell me your theories and tell me how things, go and went. In your opinion. But you can not tell me that you know more about anything real, than Bob Marley n his children!

Jesus Christ. Then you actually believe that you get sense and abilities in school. So how come, mi a wonda. How comes, that the average Jamaican, that never went to your upper highschool or university. In fact, know much more than you all, ever will know? They both think and speak, in a way that you can not comprehend. I swear to God. I lived there, for 13 months. So I know what I am talking about. 

Most Jamaican eat one proper meal a day, if they are lucky. Most Jamaican men, smoke weed. Also. But that is exactly like you, who drink a coffee! When you smoke Marijuana you don’t become drunk, vomit or die. When you smoke God’s Herb, you become wise and start to pree things differently. God put a Cannabis Sativa Hampa plant, on King Solomons grave. To honor him when he died. That's how the plant, came down to eart, from heaven. God did that, to honor the King. The wisest man, who ever lived. You have to remember that Bob Marley was borned long after. 1945, to be more specific. (If I could trust Google).

Believe me, I have smoked weed, since I was 16. Not more than a few times every year at first. Marijuana, do NOT make you addicted. It is your society, namely Babylon. That fools you into believing their lies. Because what would you think, if you really thought? Can’t you realize, or add up fact from fiction?

”Herb is a plant. Herbs a good for everything. Why these people, who want to do so much good. Why they say that you can not, smoke the Herb? No you musn’t use it, you musn’t use it. Because it makes you rebell. Rebell against what?”

Against men who only crave and are preparing to lay down forever, in their grave.

Be smarter than your opressors. Use your minds to think with. No human has ever been a horse. I don’t know how long, you will believe their stories, you been fed all your life.

I mean, sure it is more difficult, to think outside of the box. N unfortunately your mindset are trapped, inside of it, Babylon spent all it’s life, trying to lock you in that box. But I mean, enough is enough. Don’t you think? If I can I can you know InI?

I, like Martin Luther King, have a dream. The difference is that I actually have way more possibilities, than he had. Now.            I have seen it all, so come lock me up now. Or try with your failed attempts. It is both unlikely and impossible, that I would be living 2024, this year. But here I am, still InI. So what? 

U gonna continue to force drugs down my throat? I mean one time. They even gave me an injektion with Zyprexa, when I refused to eat it. Since I don’t do drugs and am no witch.

Yea, so they did everything to make me slipup. They asked me; so this God, where do you think that he lives? So I told them, that God exist in the entire nature (the one that you are poluting. Every day). They asked me if I knew which town I was living in. And everything else to. I answered those fools anyway. So the Cheif doctor got fed up, with me always outsmarting them. That is why he told me that he decided that I should eat Zyprexa.

So I asked him why and his respons was; because I’m telling you. So I just stood up and walked away. Then I locked myself in the bathroom and stood, fixing my dreadlocks. In protest, yeah.

Then guess what happened? I swear to God, two males carried me to a small room and locked the door. This was in 2016.Yeah. Then they put me against a thing, where they tied me up. After that one of them pulled down my pants. And actually penetrates my skin, with a needle. I was only like 30 years old. So after 40 minutes I asked him if I could go back to the other bigger room, (they kept me in for there months, that year). But he Said no, you would have to stand here, and left the room.

Only a watch on the wall, kept me entertained. Because the man that was guarding me, was completely quiet. Swedes are living in hell.. I promise.

Breakfast 😃🇯🇲.

 Jah evah living honest n true.

 So what the fuck do you know.

Really now?

Ella Ella Ella +ValiantChristopher Martin mi luv..


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