Ok, so today I decided

to learn a song in Persian. Aka Iranian. That is a bit hard, since they speak in a completely different way, than us Swedish people. They pronounce the words, in a completely different way. Enuh. So it will take some time, for me to learn that language. But I have to do that, since they sound so beautiful. Most of them could also write, in a more beautiful way. And since I wish to learn Hebrew, Persian, is a good language to start with. I suppose they are kind of similar. The way they pronounce, surtain words, is more like Spanish than Swedish also.
Plus I always thought, that Ashkan Naseri, is a very pretty boy. He is from Iran 🇮🇷. So I guess I will sing this song, to him.

Plus, it is hard, to learn the song, also. But I am like excellent, when it comes to learning melodies. That is like my biggest asset. I understand them. I know about different frequensees. Because I am very smart and have actually studied them all my life. In secret. So there is nothing you can do to stop me now. Since I infact am better than others. Not because I have a wish to be that, but since I studied the reality. We are living in more.

I would have to go and buy more nicotine, soon. But after I’ve done that. I will sing this song. Because Ashkan was the second man to ever roll me a spliff n the first man to introduce me to Eva. So I kind of have alot to thank him for. I mean I grew up with this man, so ofcourse what he did me matters..

For me to learn every word in it, I would need one day, to studie them. But I already know most. Late last evening, I also studied the meaning of the words that I was singing. I love them.

The song is from this man, to his girl, that want to leave. So he is kind of breaking up with her… U kno…

See I am soo good, at this language, that people would actually think that I come from Iran! (It woul have to be a real one, that could setet me 😅) hahaha

That’s like an accomplishment I don’t think that anyone else could do. Sure you could learn a language, but it would actually take you years, to understand how they use it. That took me less than 3 hours. Because I am alot, smarter. Than any other individual, I ever heard of. I mean I am smarter, than Einstein, Darwin and everybody else too.

I know that. That’s the reason that I don’t show it to others.Because look at what happened to all the people that knew more than the rest.
   I’ve told you before, so study the life of Bob Marley, Nelson Mandela, Buddah and Mother Theresa. 

What did all of them have together?
They all believed in God and stood outside, from Babylon n their prespectives. Just like I do. And what happened to them? They where all living inprisoned of this society. Just like me I.

Now I’ll go and talk to Chris Brown, because I need energy. And since he is in Nigeria, at this moment. He is just one hour a head of me. Shokryme is six hours behind me.

The girl is called Louise and she was my best bestest friend in highschool. So ofcourse I let her take Ashkan. 
They are beautiful and they are my friends.
Even thoe we havent met since we where teenagers 😅. That’s just life enuh.
As far as I know I’m the only one of us, who still have the same ghetto mentallity.

I have done a thing for Ashkan still. I helped him out, one time, when he needed it. And he was the first person that ever showed me Sizzla Kalonjii. So I love him still. Not wishing to destroy anything between him and Louise or Loos, like I called her when we where young. I mean, that girl and me are the same age and studied in the same class, between 9 and 16 years. So we had alot of fun and I still have a paper with notes that she gave me, in upper highschool 😅. She was mad n crazy like me back then😊
Fuck you man. U was one of the first men I ever loved…. Izimi? So I’ll think of you when I sing this song. Because the lyrics, is what I was thinking..
تظاهر میکنی، عاشقمی، این بازی هر روزهنترس، آدم دم رفتن همش، دلشوره میگیرهدو روز بگذره، این دلشوره ها، از خاطرت میره
بهت قول میدم، سخت نیست، لااقل برای توراحت باش، دورم از تو و دنیای توراحت باش، هیچ کس نمیاد، جای تودلشوره دارم، من واسه، فردای تو
بهت قول میدم، سخت نیست، لااقل برای توراحت باش، دورم از تو و دنیای توراحت باش، هیچ کس نمیاد، جای تودلشوره دارم، من واسه، فردای تو
از عشق هر چیزی که، میشناسمو از من گرفتی توتو باقی مونده، احساسمو از من گرفتی ومیخوایی من باشی و یادت بره مایی وجود دارهخودت آماده رفتنی و ترست نمیذاره
اصلا نترس راحت برو بی منهیشکی به جز تو منو یادش نیستفکر کردی کی از من خبر دارهراحت برو هیشکی حواسش نیست
بهت قول میدم، سخت نیست، لااقل برای توراحت باش، دورم از تو و دنیای توراحت باش، هیچ کس نمیاد، جای تودلشوره دارم، من واسه، فردای تو
بهت قول میدم، سخت نیست، لااقل برای توراحت باش، دورم از تو و دنیای توراحت باش، هیچ کس نمیاد، جای تودلشوره دارم، من واسه، فردای تو
Now I’ll leave my bed. At 11.27 am.. 
U zeet 😅 ❤️
This is me Louise, Carolina, Anderea. 
Me, Emma and Sofia, on the picture at the top.. 
The 3 of us that appear on five photos, was real best friends. Untill one of their boyfriend told her that he had sex with me. That was not really true, but that led us to loose contact, still.

Ok, before I’ll sing this song I need to go and Buy nicotine. Then I’ll sing my favorit Greek tune also. Zeen?

But I lay down too much and don’t use my body. A so I need to stretch, while I’m walking to the store. Zeen?

Lata lata. Skeng is the youngest man I love..


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