Morning fLiNsTonE faMIly..


I am not a stupid, fake ass little barbidoll. I am a King Size Barbie. For real. Zeen?

Or maby you don’t have eyes to see with?
To live a life, as the King of this bloodclaat world, is not easy. Because each and every other individual. Gets jelouse. 
I was not always King. There was one time when I had to work, as Cinderella. Cleaning the bigg house, doing what I was told to. 

Those years, that I was hit by my stepdaddy and step sister. While my mother, looked away. She ignored me, when my step dad was beating me, and telling me what I had to do. She wasnt a mother. That actually spoke to me and realized that I was crying. No, I had to stay in private and take the medicin. That they took, from the hospital, they where working at, Of course I mixed it with the alcohol, they bought every week. But they where never smart enough to see that. They just put me in my beedroom, upstairs. While my younger half siblings n older step sisters, actually was allowed to move around freely.

I remember sitting it the car with them once. Maria, was sitting in the front seat. She was like two years older than me. My other stepsister was sitting, to my left. And my stepdad, sat in the driving seat. 
   I was just seven years old. And I was the prettiest, slim, little innocent girl. They however, where ugly, inside out.They where all overweight. Even my stepsisters. And they stank, because they only showered, once a week. Yeah yeah whatever.

My step sister, in the front. Actually looked back at me and slapped me in my face. And my stepdad, the one that was supposed to be an adult, because he is like 30 years older than I. He just continued, to look out the window. So I got afraid and pers my pants.

Now if that is not neglect and betrayal. I don’t see the point of me continuing writing. Maby I should tell you about that other time, when he took my little half sister and swong her around in the room. To play with her n make her have fun. Well it was fun for her at first I guess, don’t remember her reaction. She must have been like 3 years old or something.Yeah but her elboe, came out of its socket. I don’t think that was imtentional, still. He was a nurse, so he put it back in.
But when I said something, he hit me. (I think he was panaking). So why not hit me, the skinny little child?

Yea, so I put on my jacket and walked outside. This was during the late autumn, the wind was blowing hard. And the clock must have been, during the evening. Because it was soo dark. 

   I knew one playground park. That and the location, of my school. Was all I knew in that area, back then. So I went to the park. It was soo cold, so I went inside, the playwood playhouse. Then I layed in a corner, on the floor. On top of some leaf. I remember it, as if it was yesterday.
I laid there, thinking to myself. How could this be? My ”dad” hit me and made me ran outside, to the darkness. Just so.That must mean that he really don’t love me? He only care for his own children/my mother and their babies.   But I have a real dad, one that love me and he would never hurt me, in any way. So how could I find his apartment? I remember how it look, around it. It is a high yellow building. But how could I reach there? It is so cold outside, and dark. So it is better I stay in here.

So I layed there, untill my body started shivering. I cried and shaked, so that I got some heat. I tried to cover myself with leaf and figured that I should lay there, untill the morning. When my school opened. But then I realized that I could die, if I lied there all night. This was during the 90, so nobody I knew, had a cellphone. So I did the only thing I knew.I walked back home and sneaked, into my bed. Jah know.

I am 39 now, so I have so many days. To tell you about. However, I don’t think that you are that important. So I won’t.
Instead, I will sing a song in Persian, one in Greek, two in American and two in Patois. I don’t remember a good one in Spanish right now. Because I’m too braincorrected, to have time to find that.
I have too many abilities and possibilities, to do anything I want to. That means that I would actually have to do my landury. Because all of my panties and socks are done now. But I have some underwear I could reuse, so that I could walk down the basement. Because hopefully, they have a lock on the door, to the washing room.   I would have to lock that, because I live in the as 4 other people! 

I can not visit outside. Because almost everybody that I encounter actually make me sad or angry. Just by appearing infront of me.  

  I view 85% of the living humans, as devils. It’s enough to look into their eyes and hearing, what they are saying.Then you also have to remember that cars are everywhere. You know a car that hit me, and made me live, inside if a hospital for 13 months. A car that have marked me for life. A vehacle, that has taken my perfect body and turned it into a dead body, for 20 years.

Humans, that have beat me. Since I was six. Humans that have betrayed me. Humans that talk shit about me and eachother. Persons that actually live their lives, destroying for everybody else. Including themselves. People without a brain, persons that don’t realize. Truth from lie. Reality from fiction.

Yea yea, all this I have to experience.But last Demcember, 2023. I actually decided to heal my body damages. I decided to help others to live. Because how could I wish, to not make it better for them?
I have lived without money, because I choose to do that. I have starved myself, because I know that I will survive, anything. Out of my previouse experiences.

So the fact that I have not been able to stand up, without feeling faintative. The fact that I actually have been so week, that I have to remind myself, to breath. Like every second minute. Have not bothered me.

I am good, no matter what. And I have proven, the three men that I love 💕, that I would actually die for them.
I am just skin and bones, right now. But I have ate one bowl of soup, these last two days. Two banana. Plus dates, chokolate, coffee and water.

So I have been running around, for three and a half hour. Outside.
So ofcourse I am Good. A human or living creature, needs nothing but God, the sun, oxygen and water. To survive. Healthy.

Where is your faith?Weh u faith deh?

will prove that what I’m saying is true.I have not had the energy to clean. And absolutely nobody help me. As a matter of fact, my oldest sister told me that she wouldnt help me with food. Because I also wanted to by nicotine. I swear to God.
And that girl there, actually believe that she believe in God and is a good muslim. She that have stolen my cat, talked shit about me and my dead man, R.I.P. She that has called the welfare and told them to take my child. Etc.

So I am completely alone in this country.I am locked up inside, because I don’t have the energy to walk, The sun is not shining and it is very cold, when you are as skinny as I am now.

I don’t care about anything irrelevant. As a matter of fact I pitty the fool, that look on another mans woman, with lust in his eyes. At the same time, I know that some stupid people will think that I am mad, because I do this. They do not understand greatness. They will never know God. As a matter of fact I am not on forced to eat any medication at this moment. So that means that I could actually walk and wash my clothes, after I ate my breakfast.

But first I will show you a picture, to prove that I am speaking the truth. I have to do that, since you are without faith. In your heart. You are also lacking a properly functioning brain. So I have to do this. And who the fuck do I fear? KSMT.

He with the clean hands, 
can throw the first stone
Blazed Love ❤️.


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