I have been rushing, running around for two hours!!! Pussyclaat. And I don’t even run. I usually deven walk!! Pussycleet.. Fucking hell. Fucking mother fucking awful bitches. I HATE EVERY motherfucking iDIOT, on this earth! And this earth is FULL of them. Fuck. Jesus Christ, if it was never for you, Criss and Jason. This life, wouldn’t been worth living!

Ok Adidjah Palmer and Skeng, also make  this world nice to live in! Beng.

Rasclaat mi deven know how fi use da app ya… Frm I jus install it u zeet.

This earth is full of I-di-ots. I swear.
They can not think.
They can not dress.
They can not look.
They do not see.
They don’t find what is enjoyable in life.
Because they are fucking idiots!

They run on program and actually live, 
as if there existed manmade rules and laws! That they had to follow. 
Motherfucking iidiots!
Pussyclaat FOOLS!

Im so mad, that I would fuck your brother too! And he is just another idiot, that I despise! Yuck, he is just as ugly as u and your fake barbiedoll look! Fucka you.
I hate you so much, because youre a eediot that just won’t leave me alone!

Who the fuck are you, to even look at me?! I mean I have told you for years that im gonna kill you. Not just one person, mi a slew di whole a unuh! Fucka you! 

I live alone.
I don’t need no friend, because they are a idiot, just like you fucking bitch. You are living in vain, wasting your own and everybody else’s lives!

Your life is completely pointless.
I mean what the fuck is the idea, 
behind it? You are doing absolutely nothing in your life. The things you do, is completely idiotic! GOD DAMN IT!

I am not God.
God is neither a male or female.
Stupid fuck!
Cha Cha Chaaaa

I could have killed, several people.
Just now. I was rushing around for a long long time, since you are a mother fucking idiot!

Guess what happened.
I woke up yea, like I normally do.
Chatting with Chris Brown.
I choose him, over you.
Who wouldn’t do that?
Maby 3 ppl, on this earth, no maby just your spose. But I believe even she would leave you, if she had the chance to be with my man. I mean me and Chris are like “Helan och Halvan”. We are like Yin and Yang. I swear to God.

And I would never leave out, my other man neither. Because Shokryme a di new WORLDBOSS, swear to God. It doesn’t exist a sexier man than him. The first time we had sex, was in May 2021. Because in October 2020, the man I had for seven years. Died
I mean I was going to his apartment.
I was supposed to reach there, all week.
But I always found other things to do.
I mean I loved him very much, still do, R.I.P. Love you forever Ravi, for all of the blood you made me spill, for all of the bruises, you gave me. My life would have been pointless, if it wasn’t for you. There is no other individual, that has treated me as great as you did. Because you was real and I needed someone to beat the sense, back into my head!

See I was hit by a car 2004.
Spent 13 months in hospital.
Where told that I was brain damaged now and was fooled into believing, that I would have to eat medicin, antidepressants, all my life.
   I mean the doctor told me that they could see on their exrays. That my brain, was damaged!

They said that that was the condition, my brain was in. After flying ten meters in the air, falling down on the concrete pavement. Pussyclaat!
    I died. I was in a respirator, for three weeks. As I woke up, I could not speak.
I was 19 years old, but I still couldn’t even sit up. Didn’t know how to have a conversation. God damn it, I didn’t even grasp, that I was back on earth again!

Because I had been living, 3 weeks, in Heaven. With God! He told me everything I needed to ‘hear’, to understand everything. He said, just what I had to do. He told me, that I would have to help him. He showed me all of you and your weapons of mass destruction! He showed me, how you are killing yourself and everybody around you. SO.
I would have to kill, each and everyone of your fysical body. So that you could finally see the truth. Because right now, you are living. In vanity and stupidity. You don’t use your brain to think with. You don’t live your life to help others. As I said, you are living in vain. You think that you are living. That you and your society, is running smoothly and right. You even believe, that you speak. In the right way. You are using words, other fools, have thought you. You are doing things, in a way that other PEOPLE are living their lives! You’re a mother fucking idiot. Then you think that I am stupid, because I don’t follow your rules. You feel that I am wrong, because I’m living in the right way. You think that I would ever, be stupid enough. To run on scedual. You think that I can not think properly, because I am “brain damaged” and will never become a normal person, like you and your society. And you are God damn correct. I will never ever ever, put my body, in a dirty position. I will not have a conversation with a idiot.

I mean, there is something really wrong about you. You talk, a bag of shit, without saying anything. You do alot of stupid and evil/selfish things. Every day!

You are a looser, just like your friends.
You know, them that would rather have sex with me. Than continuing being your friend. Believe me, I have had some of them there also. When I was young. And all of them let me down. All of them left me alone, when I was in hospital. Because they are selfish. Above all.
I mean they thought that they loved me. They did think, that they where real friends. Partying with me or going to my class. But in reality, they where just insecure selfish creatures. They actually left me, as soon as I couldn’t contribute, to their happiness. Anymore.
I swear to God.

I’m so angry at those fucking idiots, that called me their friend. Because as soon as they found out that yutes, actually loved me. More than them. They left me.

Now this is the actual reality, that I have spent my life, living in. So why is it hard for you, to understand, why I rather stay alone, inside? Why should I walk outside, or have any type of contact. With anybody? I mean, what are you contributing to my life? What are you doing, to help anybody else? What is great about you? Because I actually don’t see a thing. I think that you are, just wasting your life. Just like everybody else.

I’m fed up, with being confined to my room. I’m angry at the fact, that you don’t allow me. To exist. Just because I do not want to be your friend. I don’t kiss mother fucking asses. I think you are absolutely disgusting. I would not even like to touch you with a hammer 🔨.
How could I wish to exist, on the same planet as you?!

Jesus Christ, take me back.
I can not bare, to live on this earth again.
Everything, is better with you in paradise.
And it is your earth, because you built it. And put life upon it.

Then those drunk people, choose to disobey you and the rightful GREAT laws, you told them to live after. They thought, that it would be a good idea, to “eat from that apple”, that is really just a code word. For having sex, outside of the marriage. To eat from an apple, means that you do what is forbidden. You eat dead animals, all thoe, the first rule God told you was do NOT kill. So how could you think that it is allowed to eat dead meat? You stupid or what? That is not good for you, because you put death in your body. As you are eating dead flesh. Obviously. Then you engage in stupidity. You are acting, in all of these foolish ways.

And I would need another coffee, to continue to tell you the truth. God damn it. I am soo bex. I wasn’t even able to drink a coffee or water, before I had to run to a place. 

They did not give me any information about it neither. They did not say what adress I was supposed to go to. They did not even give me a day or time. Jesus Christ, this world is full of idiots!

They actually brought my daughter to a place, in my town. In order for me to meet her. So when I actually called her today, without having a SIM card. They said that they where at one adress. In the middle of a block, in a town that I have just lived in for six months.

I don’t walk outside and I don’t have contact with any person. So how the fuck am I supposed to go to the meeting you, didn’t tell me to go to?! It’s like you are disillusioned. Then you have the

Good Night Lovely man, that I was created to help.



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